An encouraging first experience in music lessons is critical to your child’s long term enjoyment of the piano. In my studio, I use the WunderKeys, along with other curriculums, to provide just that!

WunderKeys Piano for Preschoolers (created by Andrea and Trevor Dow) is a curriculum designed to be that and more. The lessons are tailored to meet the needs of preschool-aged children (ages 3-5) and young beginners (age 5+) to ensure their first music lesson experience is both positive and enjoyable.

The WunderKeys method books are designed to be used in a one-on-one, 30 minute lesson setting. There are three method books each containing 10 lessons for a total of 30 lessons. On average, it takes a child a “school year” to fully complete the program.

During a WunderKeys lesson your child will participate in musical activities both on and off the piano bench; created to build confidence, increase enjoyment and solidify musical concepts. Songs, rhymes, games, and imaginative activities keep your child engaged and begging for the next lesson!

Interested in enrolling your preschooler or young beginner?

Book your free consultation now!

To learn more about my Preschooler, Young Beginner Piano, and Group piano program offerings.